Who is Alpine Flow Control

AFC (Alpine Flow Control) designs and manufactures world-class water valves and has over 30 years of water valve manufacturing experience and expertise. AFC is an established world-class water valve brand distributed through a global network by AFC Co. Ltd,  

AFC (Alpine Flow Control) valves are renowned for their innovative product designs, high product quality, durability, and reliability, resulting in sustainable high performance, cost-effectiveness, adaptive tailored solutions, trusted product warranties, and excellent customer service & after-sales care.

AFC (Alpine Flow Control) valves conform to international quality standards and specifications with proven high-performance reliability. Valve quality is guaranteed by numerous prestigious quality management system certifications and quality approval markings such as – ISO9001FM ApprovalULCE markingsWRAS approved products, and TUV.

We confidently provide customers peace of mind with a 10-year product warranty and responsive customer service, to ensure complete peace of mind.

Alpine Flow Control Valves South & Southern Africa

KwaZulu-Natal Branch
Tel:              +27 82 823 9937
Email:          douglas@afcvalves.co.za
42 Harden Ave, Seaview, Durban, 4001

Gauteng Branch
Tel:              +27 83 458 8053
Email:          peter@afcvalves.co.za
31 Plantation Road, Eastleigh 1610 

Western Cape Branch
Tel:              +27 82 261 0376
Email:          stirling@afcvalves.co.za
27 Tulbach Street Stellenryk 7550

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